Bishopton Redmarshall CE Primary School
Academy Council

Governance at Bishopton Redmarshall CE Primary School 2024/25


Durham & Newcastle Diocesan Learning Trust has overall responsibility for the management of Bishopton Redmarshall CE Primary School. The Board of Directors for the Trust has established a local governing body, known as an Academy Council, to oversee its daily operations. The members of the Academy Council, known as Academy Councillors, include individuals appointed from the Church (known as Foundation members), parents/carers, staff and the local community, and it works collaboratively with the school, its leaders and the Trust.

Information about the Durham & Newcastle Learning Trust can be viewed here.

Functions of the Academy Council

The Academy Council is involved in every aspect of school life. However, it has 3 core functions:

  1. Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
  2. Holding school leaders to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, and for the performance and management of staff
  3. Overseeing the financial performance of the organisation and ensuring that money is well spent for the benefit of all pupils.

These are more than just words, and the Academy Council are actively involved in the life of the school and ensure that the management of the school is continually underpinned by our shared Christian values.

Academy Council Priorities for 2024/25

Each year priorities are assessed and set out to ensure the Academy Council focused on areas of development, to continue to grow and learn. The four priorities for the academic year 2024/25 are as follows:

  1. To promote and celebrate the Christian distinctiveness of the school.
  2. To strengthen understanding of number and number relationship and develop awareness in the four mathematical operations.
  3. To increase attendance levels across the school.
  4. To embed our ambitious, coherent and sequenced curriculum in early years foundation stage (nursery and reception).

Throughout the year the Academy Council will be evaluating these priorities. As part of that evaluation it will also be ensuring that throughout the whole curriculum and school life that there is inclusivity for everyone.

Members of the Academy Council

The current members of the Academy Council are as follows:

Composition of Academy Council

Current Membership

Head Teacher

Mr. Bull

Elected staff member

Mrs. Raine

Elected parent 1

Mr. Webster

Elected parent 2

Mr. Turner

Temporary Ex officio (Foundation)

Revd. Crofts

Durham Diocesan Board of Education Appointment 1 (Foundation)

Mrs. Lynch (Vice Chair)

Durham Diocesan Board of Education Appointment 2 (Foundation)

Mr. Parkin

Local Parochial Church Council Appointment 1

Mr. Robinson (Chair)

Local Parochial Church Council Appointment 2


Co-opted Member 1

Mr. Langlands

Co-opted Member 2


 As well as attending business meetings of the Academy Council, Academy Councillors also attend regular training and development sessions. These relate to either the development of the Academy Council as a whole or to the personal development of individual Academy Councillors. All Academy Councillors are expected to undertake a two-year cycle of Trust-identified training and they can also access online training as members of the National Governance Association.  Newly appointed Academy Councillors receive a planned programme of induction support.

Should anyone be interested in joining the Academy Council, in the first instance you should contact the Chair of the Academy Council at

 The register of interests for Academy Councillors can be viewed here.

 The attendance records for Academy Councillors for 2024/25 can be viewed here.

2023/24 Register of Interest declarations

2023/24 Academy Council attendance

Durham and Newcastle Diocesan Learning Trust- Who we are