Welcome to Class 3
Welcome to the class page for children in Year 3 and 4 (Class 3).
Miss Brannan is your class teacher.
Long Term Overview 2024-2025
Recommended Reading
Here are some recommended reading lists for Year 3 and 4. Click on the links below:
Autumn Term 2 Homework
Autumn Term 1 Homework
This term, Class 3 will be learning about Magnificent Mountains. Take a look at the Topic Homework for Autumn 1 below:
Autumn Term English
This term our class readers are 'The Abominables' by Eva Ibbotson and Everest Reaching the Roof of the World' by David Long.
Spring Term
This term, Class 3 will be learning about Extreme Earth. Take a look at the Topic Homework for Spring 2. Click on the picture below:
Spring Term English
This term our class reader is The Iron Man by Ted Hughes.
In our writing we are looking at a piece of visual literacy called 'The Dreamgiver'. Within this narrative unit we will be working on our descriptions of settings and characters by using a range of vocabulary and descriptive phrases.
Spring Term Maths
This term we are starting off with Multiplication and division. In this unit we will focus on written methods for these operations. Following this we will complete a unit on measurement including length, mass and volume.

RE- Why do Christians call the day Jesus died 'Good Friday'?
Listen to the Christians story of Easter:
Spring Term Science: Forces
This half term our topic in Science is Forces and Magnets. Spend time exploring BBC Bitesize to find out more about what we will be learning about:
Autumn Term
This term, Class 3 will be learning about the Romans
Take a look at the Topic Homework for Autumn Term 1.
Click on the picture below:

Useful Links
Autumn Term 2 - English
This term our class reader is Romans on the Rampage by Jeremy Strong.
Click on the picture below to practise addition and subtraction facts with SuperMovers:
RE: What kind of a World did Jesus want?
Listen to the story of Jesus Calling the first Disciples:
Science: Rocks
eBook: Phyllis and the Fossil Finders
Famous Person: Mary Anning
History: The Romans
Learn more about the Romans through music. Click on the picture below:
Computing: Data Handling
PSHE: Health and Wellbeing
Why not try out some Cosmic Kids Yoga. Click on the link below:
Autumn term 1 - English
This term our class reader is Escape from Pompeii by Christina Balit
Click on the link below to enjoy A Roman Rescue: