Welcome to Class 4


Welcome to the class page for children in Year 5 and 6 (Class 4).

Mr. Hole is your class teacher.  

2024-2025 Curriculum Overview Map

class 4 long term overview updated for 24 25.pdf



Topic Homework:




 Spring 1

This half-term a lot of our work will focus on Rainforests. Below are some extra learning opportunities you may like to use. Don't forget you can use Reading Plus, Timestables Rockstars and Sumdog at home anytime. If you have lost your log-in details, just ask! 


In English we will start by reading the fantastic novel The Explorer by Katherine Rundell.

We will be using this novel as a stimulus for some creative writing, including describing a rainforest.

We will also be continuing to about different writing, punctuation and grammar features. This link will take you to some fun games.




 In Maths, we will be starting the Spring term by continuing to develop our understanding and application of multiplication and division methods.

Below is a link to some games to practice your times tables.




In Geography, we will be learning some fascinating facts about the rainforest. Click the link below for a great video with lots of information.




In PSHE we will be starting the year off by learning about how to stay safe online.

Below is a link to the game that everyone loved playing in class.




In the Autumn term, our focus will be on The Victorians. Below there are some extra opportunities for learning.


There's a lot to learn in English in Year 5 and 6. Below is a link to a fun game with lots of opportunities to practice what you are learning.


Below is a link to practice some of the key skills needed in Maths as you move up and through Year 5 and 6.


Many famous Victorians are still discussed today. Below is a link to a series of videos about some very important figures from the time.




2023-2024 Curriculum Overview Map

Topic Homework:


This term, Class 4 will be investigating coasts.

Take a look at the new Topic Homework for Summer Term 2:


Useful Links:




Summer Term


This term we will be reading Room 13 by Robert Swindells.





Spring 2


This term we will be reading a selection of Ancient Greek stories based on Greek Myths by Marcia Williams.



Enjoy reading the eBook Atticus and the Ancient Greeks.





Science: Animals including humans



History: The Ancient Greeks









Spring 1


This term our class reader is Odd and the Frost Giants by Neil Gaiman























Autumn 2



This term our class reader is Anglo-Saxon Boy

by Tony Bradman



E Book


Take a look inside this e book to find out about the Anglo-Saxons and their impact on Britain.








Science: Properties and Changes of Materials 


Click on the link below to learn about properties and their changing materials:






Click on the link below to learn about the Anglo-Saxons:






This term we will be learning about Stop Motion Animation. Click on the link below to find out more:




PSHE: Health and Wellbeing


Try out these Super Mood Movers activities: 



Yoga for Kids:







Would you like to know more about the Anglo-Saxons through music? Click on the link below to learn some new songs:



British Values: Respect


As part of our RE unit this term, we will be thinking about the following question:

Why do some people believe in God and some not?

Click on the link below to find out about Mutual Respect and what that means:





Autumn 1 - English

This term our Class Reader is 'Beowulf ' by Michael Morpurgo


The children will be reading this story in class regularly and answering comprehension questions on the text. 


This is sure to be a great fantasy adventure story set in Scandinavia!


Click on the picture below to enjoy Jazz Harper: Space Explorer:



Click on the link below to practise your times tables:


Science: Earth and Space

Click on the video below to learn about the Planets in the Solar System:



 RE: Creation and Science

Click on the link below to listen to the Creation Story from Genesis 1 and 2:



Would you like to live in Scandinavia?

Find out what the climate is like in a cold climate. Click the link below:




 This term the children are learning the song You've got a friend by Carole King. Click the link below to listen and learn:



Computing Unit: Making music using Scratch

Click on the link below:
