Subject Lead: Miss D Brannan
Link LAC Member: Mr D Langlands
Science Intent
At Bishopton Redmarshall CE Primary School, our intention is to provide a high-quality Science education that provides the foundations for understanding the world through the specific disciplines of biology, chemistry and physics. Children will build a good understanding of scientific knowledge and concepts so they can develop the power of rational explanation alongside a sense of excitement and curiosity. We aim to promote science as a vehicle that has changed lives and is essential to our world’s future survival.
Aims and Principles
Science in our school will: -
- be fun and exciting
- challenge our thinking
- help us to find out about the World
- help us to know about ourselves
- be practical - HANDS ON!
- inspire our futures
- give us experiences inside and outside the classroom
- be taught at least once a week
- link to our other subjects
- help us to communicate, share our ideas and work together
At Bishopton Redmarshall CE we achieve our aims through following the programme of study of the National Curriculum.
- Teachers plan sequenced weekly Science lessons to build each child’s scientific knowledge.
- Children work scientifically to answer questions.
- Children are encouraged to generate, investigate, record and answer their own questions leading to further questions.
- Children are provided with opportunities and equipment to work practically.
- The Science Lead and teachers ensure the six forms of scientific enquiry are included throughout the academic year.
- Observing over time
- Pattern seeking
- Fair and comparative testing
- identifying and classifying
- Modelling
- Researching and using secondary sources.
- Children’s Science Capital grows throughout their time in Bishopton Redmarshall by taking part in interesting and relevant science lessons; off-site visits; in school workshops; Science weeks/camps and meeting Science Ambassadors.
- Parents are actively encouraged to be part of their child’s Science learning by working collaboratively with their child and teaching staff through home learning.
Through coverage and development of NC objectives children secure both knowledge and understanding. As children progress through Bishopton Redmarshall and ultimately move on to secondary education they will have built a healthy Science capital.
Encompassed within this, our children have: -
- A progressive understanding of how Science impacts their everyday lives.
- The confidence to discuss, debate and verbalise: Drawing on their Scientific experience and knowledge to form an opinion on personal and global issues.
- The ability to ask relevant questions continuously expands their understanding of the ‘Big Ideas’ in science.
- An evolving independence and resilience which encourages them to embrace opportunities to practically explore and record the outcomes of their curiosity; using a range of Scientific enquiry skills.
Long-term Overview
Progression in Science
Scientific Vocabulary
Science at Bishopton
National Curriculum Science Programmes
Well done, Everyone!
We have achieved the Silver Space Education Quality Mark. We took part in lots of activities and even managed to 'Borrow the moon'.
Science Awards
Our children and staff have worked together to decide what Science looks like at Bishopton Redmarshall CE Primary School.
As well as teaching the National Curriculum, here are our Principle Aims for Science in our school.
2020 - 2021
Winter Photography Challenge Gallery
Winter Nature Photography
Following our very successful summer nature photography CHALLENGE I'd like us to take some winter nature photos. If you look carefully, there is so much to see. Please send in your photos to the school office. A maximum of 3 each. We will compile a PowerPoint of your shots and there will once again be I-Spy books as prizes. Get snapping!
Here's an icy puddle I found this weekend.
2019 - 2020
Click here to access our Space Cinema
Click on the link below to see the model of our solar system
There are some fabulous photos being sent in for the Photography Challenge
The May Flower Moon Perspective Photography Challenge.
You may have seen or remember the photos Class 3 took in Hamsterley Forest. These contributed to our Woodland Trust Gold Award. The photos were taken with ordinary cameras and ipads. The children took them close up, far away and upside down laid on their backs. The results were fantastic. I have attached below (via the picture) the powerpoint pdf we made for the award.
Calling all Sound Engineers here is your Mission Musical Exoplanet.
What is an Exoplanet?
How can they be musical?
In 2016, the Spitzer telescope observed the distant star TRAPPIST -1 and its orbiting planets. NASA created a model of the orbiting exoplanets and a musician developed a soundtrack of these orbits using a different note for each planet.
The Mission
Mission Level 1
Compose your own music to match the planets orbits. As a scientist a good way might be with a water xylophone. Each glass could be a different planet/note.
Mission Level 2
Each of the Trappist-1 planets takes a different time to orbit its parent star. Kepler’s Law tells us that the further away a planet is from the star, the longer the duration of the orbit.
In this Scratch project, each time a planet completes one orbit, the model makes a different sound.
We can disclose the best kept secret - we borrowed the moon. Yes, we have actually had in school, space rocks brought back from the moon by Apollo 11. They have been securely locked up in the safe when we haven't been using them - priceless.
So, what have we done this week: -
We have been Meteorite Hunters,
We have made Lunar Landing Craft,
We have investigated impact craters,
We have researched the evolution of space suits,
We have begun our art spacesuit project,
We have written Space poems,
We have created Space pictures.
And decided what we might need to take with us if we visited the moon.
Goodness me there have been some very peculiar looking creatures in school today visiting our children in Nursery, Classes 1 and 2. Yes, it was Zoolab! Bringing with them snakes and snails and insects and even some furry creatures. I must say we do have some very brave children out there handling these exotic pets.
A visit to the Life Centre
This week all Classes 2, 3 and 4 have visited the Life Centre in Newcastle. We've all had a brilliant time exploring the different exhibitions; especially the Space Zone.
Click on the picture below to enter the Galleries' page.
Microscope Workshop
Today Class 3, Parent and Carers have taken part in a microscope workshop. The microscopes and equipment are on loan from the Royal Microscopical Society. It was quite a surprise when an enormous trunk, containing them all, arrived at school. As always, we have worked hard; examining meteorites, iron filings, sugar to name a few of the specimens. Probably the highlight of the morning was using the microscope clues to find out 'Who Dun It'. Who stole the jelly baby?
(Click on picture to enter galleries page)
Wynyard Planetarium and Observatory
What a fantastic evening we have had at the Wynyard Planetarium and Observatory. A huge thank you to Antony and all the TASC volunteers for your entertaining and informative Space presentation alongside the warm welcome you gave us on this cold Autumn evening.
Wow! We almost filled the planetarium to capacity with 96 Children and Adults. Amazing, given we are such a small school. Thank you all for supporting this event.
Judging by the questions at the end of the presentation, the smiles and laughter on the coach on the way back to school, it appears we all enjoyed our evening. (Comments and photos from the evening would be very much appreciated send to
2018 - 2019
Friday 12th October 2018
Class 4 had a visit from STEM Ambassador Dr Alan Brennan
He brought along lots of Lego so we could explore gears.
Then we had a go at building and programming Milo the robot using We Do 2 Lego.
(click on picture to link to gallery)
Wednesday 3rd October 2018
Our Year 6 children enjoyed an inspiration day at the 'Beacon of Light' in Sunderlamd
For 'Bring it on' - The North East exhibition for future engineers.
(click on the Logo to see the gallery)
Tuesday 13th June 2018
Class 2 and 3 visited the life centre in Newcastle.
They saw and engaged with some amazing science and technology
(See our gallery)
Bishopton's Summer SCIENCE Week 5th- 12th June 2018
What an amazing week we've had both indoors and out. Click on the pictures to take you to the galleries.
SABIC STEM Ambassador visit
We'd like to say a huge thank you to Sabic for their generous donation of Maths equipment which we will put to very good use.
Class 3 Water Rockets - enthusiastically supported by Mums,Dads, Grandads, Grandmas, Aunties and Uncles - Thank You!!
Class 4 - Physics Show
Thank you to Miss Gamble from Yarm School for inspiring our interest in Particles.
Building a BUG HOTEL
Another big thank you to the PFA for continuing to vehemently support Science in our school as we continue our journey towards PSQM ( Primary Science Quality Mark)
Class 2 - Have been on 'The Great BUG Hunt 2018'
Class 3 have been carrying out a fair test using our new ramps!
Class 3 have been outside in the sunshine today identifying forces.
Click on the picture below to see our galleries
Well Done to the winners of our poster competition
Discover and Explore
Your entries are now winging their way to enter the National, British Science Week competition
1st Place
Sophia Crosby- Stewart Class 4
Runners up

Jessica Mcqueenie Elsie Poole
Class 4 Class 4
British Science Week
This year's theme for British Science Week is Discovery and Exploration
Our school has decided to explore 'Plastic' . This week each class will be carrying out an investigation connected with plastic. Look out for our findings on display in school shortly.
Poster competition
Why not try the virtual Race from the ASE ( Association for Science Education) It looks Fun!
Link on the picture for a link
Science in Action!!!